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Mobile Transfer loading & unloading system

TRUKING has developed aunique Mobile Automatic loading and unloading system under RGV series. This automation is dynamic and is completely different from stationary Auto loadersseries of LALUTK. RGV series product transfer enables efficient and automatic feeding to multiple freeze dryers and is an excellent option for customer having multiple freeze dryers and offline filling and freeze drying area. RGV series loader system consist of RGV transfer trolley system, loading & unloading system.

    ? Excellent option for customers with multiple Freeze dryers or constrained layout.

    ? High Capacity Dynamic Loading and Unloading system matching with large capacity offreeze dryers and significant reduction of loading-unloading time.

    ? Mobile RGV trolley is equipped with O-RABS containment and unique docking flange there byreducing risk of contamination.

    ? Multiple level safety standards are employed to protect workplace safety.

    ? Flexible route programming andeasy adjustments.

    ? Advanced and efficient transportation with zero manual intervention while maintaining high degree of aseptic conditions.

    ? TRUKING RGV are specially designed to minimize vial toppling there by increasing transport efficiency.

    ? TRUKING RGV series can reach automatic mobile transfer rate up to 1000 vials per minute,significantly reducing staging time.

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